Future discussion material
1 Comments Published by Troy Bronsink on Thursday, February 03, 2005 at Thursday, February 03, 2005.
Any thoughts on other books, art work, or music for future discussions? I would love to touch on green issues and have an idea of a contact person who could meet with us about it. Lent will be upon us and our house fellowship will be exploring those themes and it might be helpful for us to as well.
Also, I just picked up an old book that might be a good catalyst for future conversations, David Bosch, "Believing in the Future",
Check it out at amazon
Also, I just picked up an old book that might be a good catalyst for future conversations, David Bosch, "Believing in the Future",
Check it out at amazon
This site has been set up as a temporary home for the regional relationships and discussions pertaining to missional learning communities around Atlanta and the Southeastern US.
Emergent is "a growing generative friendship among missional Christian leaders seeking to love our world in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Our dream is to join in the activity of God in the world wherever we are able, so that God's dreams for our world come true. In the process, the world can be healed and changed, and so can we."
Visit the Emergent Village
We currently meet monthly on second thursdays from 2-4pm in Decatur at the Brockstore Pub.
Directions to the Brickstore Pub
We often meet around a common reading and over time imagine meeting around artwork and music as well.
For the 10th we will discuss the following chapters of Brian McLaren's Generous Orthodoxy
Chapter 17: Why I am Incarnational
Chapter 18: Why I am Depressed-Yet-Hopeful
Chapter 19: Why I am Emergent
Invite friends interested in this safe place to discuss and enjoy fine Belgian Beers. We really enjoyed Patrick's service upstairs in a private room, come taste for yourself.
Also, as you read or review these chapters post quotes or discussion points that you would like covered and I'll email them out on the Tuesday before we meet.
Emergent is "a growing generative friendship among missional Christian leaders seeking to love our world in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Our dream is to join in the activity of God in the world wherever we are able, so that God's dreams for our world come true. In the process, the world can be healed and changed, and so can we."
Visit the Emergent Village
We currently meet monthly on second thursdays from 2-4pm in Decatur at the Brockstore Pub.
Directions to the Brickstore Pub
We often meet around a common reading and over time imagine meeting around artwork and music as well.
For the 10th we will discuss the following chapters of Brian McLaren's Generous Orthodoxy
Chapter 17: Why I am Incarnational
Chapter 18: Why I am Depressed-Yet-Hopeful
Chapter 19: Why I am Emergent
Invite friends interested in this safe place to discuss and enjoy fine Belgian Beers. We really enjoyed Patrick's service upstairs in a private room, come taste for yourself.
Also, as you read or review these chapters post quotes or discussion points that you would like covered and I'll email them out on the Tuesday before we meet.