
March Cohort update...

Back in March we had a cohort loosely centered around the question of why women and other groups seem to be missing from the Emergent Conversation...

We came up with some ideas to get more people included. If you are interested in hosting Emergent events take at look at these ideas and see if they might be useful. (Thanks Sophia for taking notes!)

Try hosting events at other times than the usually 8pm, last Tuesday of the month cohort. I know this is not a good time for lots of people, especially mothers. Someone might think of hosting a lunch event, or a Sunday afternoon event.

We have had more success in the past when we have brought in people to speak or present on an issue. I know I was seeing a lot more ladies when we were tackling social justice issues.

Bring in people who are not necessarily calling themselves "Emergent" but who share the same spirit and are doing something new and fresh and let them share.

Be proactive about inviting people to come. Use facebook, email or good old fashioned talking to people.

Vary the kind topics from month to month. Don't let six months go buy with nothing but insider Emergent oriented conversation.

Vary the location. We all talked about how we miss the days when the cohort used to float around the city. This also gives people from various locations a chance to attend more easily.

Make sure someone is moderating the conversation so that all parties can be heard, not just the aggressive and long winded.

And with that said, I'll be seeing ya'll again in two years as I am entering an accelerated Grad School program. =0)

2 Responses to “March Cohort update...”

  1. # Blogger beckley

    thanks for posting. i have often asked myself this question, as my husband and i often talk about why we don't have women more involved in general- even the churches who want them!

    the one glaring (with a smile, of course) suggestion, is that column to the right under "Contributors"...You don't need to be at every meeting for that, do you? Just a thought...

    Keep on working, and thanks for the work that you do...
    grace and peace-
    robyn beckley vining


  2. # Anonymous Andrea

    Amen!! I would love to come more often but find the late time and location usually prevent me from venturing out. Also, let's keep thinking of ways to hear from women!!  

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You're a part of a bigger conversation, a bigger story of God's creation unfolding and realizing it's Creator's dreams in the clue of Jesus. Gather monthly to re-imagine how we can best participate locally in this conversation, story, dreams. This is an Emergent Cohort meeting to flesh out four commitments: to God in the way of Jesus, to the Church in all its Forms, to God's World, and to One Another. This is a theological conversation for any practitioners in the way of Jesus.

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