"Family" Picnic and New Ning Page!
0 Comments Published by Jeff on Monday, October 12, 2009 at Monday, October 12, 2009.

In an effort to reimagine the cohort and make it more collaborative and participatory, we are moving away from using this blog and have started a Ning. From now on all news, events, etc. will be posted here. We invite you to join and be a part of the conversation and community. This is your opportunity to contribute your voice, ideas, or even step up and take an active role.
This Saturday, Oct 17, we are having an all-Atlanta emergence picnic. Come to party, meet some new co-conspirators, and be a part of a new, re-energized Atlanta cohort. (Also check it out on facebook).
We are looking to plan more parties/ networking events in the future, performance art/ theodrama/ alternative worship events, and even some good old fashioned speakers and discussion should the opportunity occur. Let us know what you think, and how you'd like to be involved.
Cobb Gathering on July 14th: Prosperity Gospel
0 Comments Published by Jeff on Friday, July 10, 2009 at Friday, July 10, 2009.

Come join Cobb Gathering Cohort conversation this Tuesday, July 14th, from 7 pm to 9 pm at Johnny MacCracken's, just off the Marietta Square.
We will dig into an interesting topic some of us were discussing on Twitter:
This conversation started after someone shared a YouTube video clip from Cornerstone. It was from a panel discussion (which include Phyllis Tickle, though she is not mentioned in the description):
On the other hand . . . Any answers one might get to questions about the Evangelical future probably depends on whom they are asked. This year's program features several leading figures in the ongoing discussion, which we bring together in this session as a roundtable response to our keynote lecture. Participants include: Michael Spencer, author of a much-discussed article "The Coming Evangelical Collapse;" Soong-Chan Rah, author of the recent book The Next Evangelicalism, on demographic shifts in American Christianity; Tony Jones, a leading figure in the conversations about "the emergent church"; Sharon Gallagher, editor of Radix magazine; and Patrick Provost-Smith, who has been charting Evangelical shifts both as an academic and a consultant to international religious educators.
Watch the video and bring your thoughts on it! Should be a lively debate!
Keep in mind:
As always, come early to enjoy some great Irish food! If the weather and space permits, we look for us on the back patio. So if you don't see us in one of the rooms, check out in the patio!
We will dig into an interesting topic some of us were discussing on Twitter:
The Prosperity Gospel /Liberation Theology
This conversation started after someone shared a YouTube video clip from Cornerstone. It was from a panel discussion (which include Phyllis Tickle, though she is not mentioned in the description):
On the other hand . . . Any answers one might get to questions about the Evangelical future probably depends on whom they are asked. This year's program features several leading figures in the ongoing discussion, which we bring together in this session as a roundtable response to our keynote lecture. Participants include: Michael Spencer, author of a much-discussed article "The Coming Evangelical Collapse;" Soong-Chan Rah, author of the recent book The Next Evangelicalism, on demographic shifts in American Christianity; Tony Jones, a leading figure in the conversations about "the emergent church"; Sharon Gallagher, editor of Radix magazine; and Patrick Provost-Smith, who has been charting Evangelical shifts both as an academic and a consultant to international religious educators.
Watch the video and bring your thoughts on it! Should be a lively debate!
Keep in mind:
- We are not here to "convert" anyone to our particular position, belief or theology - only to share with each other where we are on our own journey so that we might learn from many voices.
- No voice has more authority/importance than another - M.Div's/ThD's are on the same level as laity/armchair theologians. ALL voices are valued in our conversation and must be heard.
As always, come early to enjoy some great Irish food! If the weather and space permits, we look for us on the back patio. So if you don't see us in one of the rooms, check out in the patio!
Ancient-Future Emerging Jesus
0 Comments Published by Jeff on Thursday, July 09, 2009 at Thursday, July 09, 2009.

Just quick a reminder of this upcoming 4-week class - it begins on Wednesday evening, July 22nd.
Details HERE (includes updated PDF file class syllabus).
Details HERE (includes updated PDF file class syllabus).
No Cohort Meeting in June...BUT STAY TUNED!
0 Comments Published by Jeff on Monday, June 29, 2009 at Monday, June 29, 2009.

We will NOT be holding a cohort gathering in June, but stayed tuned for a revamped, rebooted, reinvigorated Atlanta cohort!!!
(Also, be sure to check out some of the events going on at the Cobb cohort - listings below!)
(Also, be sure to check out some of the events going on at the Cobb cohort - listings below!)
Brian McLaren and Tony Campolo in Chattanooga!
0 Comments Published by Jeff on at Monday, June 29, 2009.

Tony Campolo and Brian McLaren will be leading a conference in Chattanooga,TN, November 8-10, 2009, around the theme of "Adventures in Missing the Point." For more information, check out http://www.firstcentenary.com/ or http://www.brianmclaren.net.
A New Cobb Gathering Cohort Spoke - Come Join Us!
0 Comments Published by Jeff on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 at Wednesday, June 10, 2009.

Every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 8 pm (starting June 16th), meet us at Johnnie MacCracken's Irish Pub off the Marietta Square (our "headquarters") to work through Peter Rollins' latest book of parables, "The Orthodox Heretics: And Other Impossible Tales". You don't need a copy of the book (though we're sure you will want one) to join us. Just bring an open mind, and a thirst for a cold pint as we wrestle with these challenging, disturbing parables - invite your friends! We will gather at 8 pm and end when we feel like it!
From Publishers Weekly
Don't be fooled by the slender spine of this unusual book. Rollins, the Irish philosopher/po-mo theologian who has previously published How (Not) to Speak of God and The Fidelity of Betrayal, upends some of Christians' most cherished platitudes about God in his newest outing. He cautions readers that the book is not to be read quickly, for acquiring information, but to be savored slowly for possible transformation. Mostly, the book lives up to this billing. Rollins recasts some of the most familiar parables of and stories about Jesus, sometimes subversively—as when he proposes a version of feeding the 5,000 that shows Jesus and his disciples pigging out on meager resources while the multitudes look on, starving. His point? That Christians are the body of Christ, and when we oppress the poor and hoard scarce resources, we are saying that represents the kind of God we serve. Although not all of the parables work equally well—some could use further illumination—Rollins is a tremendously talented writer and thinker whose challenges to Christianity-as-usual should be well-received by the emergent church crowd, if not beyond.
Download a PDF file excerpt of "The Orthodox Heretic".
Ancient-Future Emerging Jesus
0 Comments Published by Jeff on Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at Wednesday, May 20, 2009.

Free Four-Week Class: Ancient-Future Emerging Jesus
This class, taught by Cobb Gathering Cohort participant Rev. Gregg Carlson, provides an introduction into the changing understanding of the early church and its writings about Jesus, but also explores some ancient spiritual practices and post-modern voices that are shaping what is being called “The Emergent or Progressive Emergent Church”. Primary texts will be "Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas" by Elaine Pagels and "The Message Bible".
Rev. Gregg Carlson is a graduate of Colgate University and Northern Seminary. He has more than 24 years of ministry experience in a variety of settings. He has studied with one of the leading experts in theAncient-Future movement Dr. Robert Webber and has been part of the Emergent Conversation for more than 4 years.
Class is scheduled to run from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Wednesday evenings (four consecutive) beginning July 22nd. It will be held in the Holy Grounds Café of Unity North Church in Marietta (click HERE for a map). There is no fixed charge for the course, a love offering will be received each week and you are urged to participate as you are able.
Download the class syllabus HERE (pdf file).
The Next Evangelicalism Seminar at Columbia Theological Seminary
0 Comments Published by Dan Ra on Tuesday, May 05, 2009 at Tuesday, May 05, 2009.

Hey folks,
I wanted to let you all know of an event taking place at Columbia Theological Seminary. Professor Soong-Chan Rah, of North Park University (colleague of Scot McKnight) will be speaking on the captivity that white, Western culture has on American Christianity and the need to move beyond that. In his book, The Next Evangelicalism, he writes about the Emergent Church's being subject to the same white, Western culture as well.
It's the first criticism of Emergent I've heard that had nothing to do with theological heresy (he affirms the postmodern hermeneutic) but with cultural exclusivity.
I really hope to see some faces from the cohort at this free event.
Wednesday, May 6
Harrington Center Auditorium (at Columbia Theological Seminary)
Grace and peace,
I wanted to let you all know of an event taking place at Columbia Theological Seminary. Professor Soong-Chan Rah, of North Park University (colleague of Scot McKnight) will be speaking on the captivity that white, Western culture has on American Christianity and the need to move beyond that. In his book, The Next Evangelicalism, he writes about the Emergent Church's being subject to the same white, Western culture as well.
It's the first criticism of Emergent I've heard that had nothing to do with theological heresy (he affirms the postmodern hermeneutic) but with cultural exclusivity.
I really hope to see some faces from the cohort at this free event.
Wednesday, May 6
Harrington Center Auditorium (at Columbia Theological Seminary)
Grace and peace,