
Miraslov Volf, April 25

Two months ago Emergent met with Miraslov Volf at Yale for a theological discussion. some members of the cohort were there and we would like to host a conversation in Duluth about some of Volf's work. We will meet at Higher Grounds in Duluth, on Medlock Bridge ( GA-141).

To prepare for this you need to get ahold of the book Free of Charge and/or listen to the pod casts from the Emergent Village blog. We will send out three specific discussion points next week and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday night, April 25

2 Responses to “Miraslov Volf, April 25”

  1. # Blogger Darrell Grizzle

    What time on April 25th?  

  2. # Blogger Jake

    I'm assuming it will be the regular time (8-10 pm). Peace.  

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You're a part of a bigger conversation, a bigger story of God's creation unfolding and realizing it's Creator's dreams in the clue of Jesus. Gather monthly to re-imagine how we can best participate locally in this conversation, story, dreams. This is an Emergent Cohort meeting to flesh out four commitments: to God in the way of Jesus, to the Church in all its Forms, to God's World, and to One Another. This is a theological conversation for any practitioners in the way of Jesus.

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