
"Invisible Children" Screening

Dear friends,

Three years ago, three adventure-seeking college guys from Southern California, decided they would make a film that tells the story of the atrocities currently happening in Africa. They headed off with virtually no film or travel experience and found themselves in Northern Uganda.

Those three guys stumbled upon the thousands of children who live in fear of abduction. The rebels of the LRA, the Lords Resistence Army, are forcing the children to become child soldiers to help fight their ongoing war.

The film is called "Invisible Children." It tells the story of the children in Northern Uganda. This rough cut film has been seen by over a million people in the last few years. Oprah helped tell their story, and it was the spark behind the Global Night Commute, where thousands upon thousands of us gathered in our cities to sleep outside and raise awareness for the Invisible Children of Northern Uganda.

Finally, we are finding ways to help make a difference on behalf of the persecuted.

Join us tomorrow night, JUNE 21st, at Conyers First United Methodist Church (921 N. Main Street, Conyers, GA, 30012) for a free screening of "Invisible Children."

A Free Dinner will be served at 5 p.m. and the show starts at 5:45 p.m.



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