
Sustainable World

For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God... [as one] groaning in labor pains until now.
In preparation for our regular cohort gathering this coming Tuesday, 27 Nov 2007, we invite you to listen in on a few conversations about sustainability and faith:
Also investigate some work done by Emory professor Peggy Barlett who commissioned her grad students to identify "primarily local level responses to what might be called the global crisis of sustainability."

There is so much good writing available on the subject. We encourage you to bring a book to share with the group. Peggy Barlett references David Korten who has written several compelling books on the subject, specifically as it relates to the economics of sustainability. Who can ignore the copious contributions of Wendell Berry? Brian McLaren's newest title, Everything Must Change, considers the message of Jesus as it relates to sustainability as well. But these are just a few. We look forward to discovering who has resonated with you individually.

As you listen and read, here are two questions to ponder:
Are sustainable practices acts of worship?
In what ways might sustainability be an apt metaphor for life?

We look forward to seeing you 8-10pm at The Café at Woodfire, located at 1782 Cheshire Bridge Road, Atlanta, GA. Their chef utilizes seasonal, local and sustainably-grown foods. Please invite a friend.

1 Responses to “Sustainable World”

  1. # Blogger seth

    ignore the above. some of us can't read  

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You're a part of a bigger conversation, a bigger story of God's creation unfolding and realizing it's Creator's dreams in the clue of Jesus. Gather monthly to re-imagine how we can best participate locally in this conversation, story, dreams. This is an Emergent Cohort meeting to flesh out four commitments: to God in the way of Jesus, to the Church in all its Forms, to God's World, and to One Another. This is a theological conversation for any practitioners in the way of Jesus.

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