
local atlanta theology

We will meet Tuesday night, Nov 28, 8-10pm, at IF coffee in Little Five Points. As usual there will be great coffee drinks, and we should bring various edibles (bake something good or buy something that will bring smiles to our palates).

Our main conversation Tuesday will be around the question: "What is local Atlanta Theology." We will then brainstorm/imagine worship environments to portray this. This meets up with our upcoming participation in the January 30,31, February 1 conference in Decatur...

The Altanta Emergent Cohort has been invited to "host" the upcoming Atlanta event "Mainline Emergent/s: Conversations in Theology, Hope, and Practice."

This event is designed to put missional leaders from Emergent in conversation with missional leaders serving in existing denominations (Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Seventh-Day Adventists, etc). Brian McLaren, Tony Jones, Karen Ward, Diana Butler bass, and Doug Pagitt are keynoting and other Emergent voices are facilitiating workshops. For more info click here to read a post on the Emergent Blog.

Our responsibilies for January, as a Cohort, include:
1. designing three worship events with Altanta Local Theology in mind (see note bellow)
2. organizing a Benefit Concert/Art Show benifitting Amahoro, an upcoming gathering of African Emerging Pastors in Uganda
3. host some of the presenting missional practitioners in our homes.

Our cohort gathering Tuesday will begin with discussion about local theology will then begin to brainstorm/design/whiteboard the 3 worship events (in light of the 3 themes for each day of the conference), conculded by an inventory of ideas and contacts for the art benefit and bunking some conference visitors.

So, What is local theology? In the Emerging conversation we are discovering how important context is to practicing the faith. "ortho-praxi" is a term utilized by latin american liberationist theology to describe the nexus of belief and ethics. What you believe about God determines what you believe about your surroundings as do your surroundings often determine what you believe about God. Our thoughts and "physical" actions are not seperatable.

With this in mind, at points of conversion in our Christian life we might ask: how does this (new conviction, new act of discipleship, etc) affect my neighbor and my neighborhood, and how does this interact with the history of this place where I practice my faith?

Our cohort, for all of our theological and institutional variety shares Atlanta in common. And so one question we will ask is how that place (atlanta- and the urban old south) interacts with our missional hope. What do we believe the Advent of God's Dreams to mean for Atlanta? For us?

Beginning to respond to the question of ortho-praxi with collaborative art and making an environment for worship in which this art of "Atlanta Theology" is caught into our praise and lamentation... 'would be a great framework to understand how the Atlanta Emergent cohort might best host the upcoming event.

see you there!

1 Responses to “local atlanta theology”

  1. # Blogger Tim

    Tim and I have missed seeing everyone! We will be there Tuesday night with some goodies. 8-10pm as usual? =) Trinity  

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About Us

You're a part of a bigger conversation, a bigger story of God's creation unfolding and realizing it's Creator's dreams in the clue of Jesus. Gather monthly to re-imagine how we can best participate locally in this conversation, story, dreams. This is an Emergent Cohort meeting to flesh out four commitments: to God in the way of Jesus, to the Church in all its Forms, to God's World, and to One Another. This is a theological conversation for any practitioners in the way of Jesus.

What is Emergent?

If you are interested in learning more about the larger movement we are a local expression of, visit Emergent Village.
